Wasp Spray? Pffft… Buzz Off!

Recently, some erroneous self-defense advice came across my personal Facebook newsfeed. Now, I rarely post about issues central to this blog under my personal account, but in this instance I did. I briefly and somewhat harshly commented about sharing bad advice that has been soundly debunked in the professional training world. I decided the subject […]

My Second IDPA Match of the Year

Well, folks, my progress continues in IDPA world.  Two weeks ago I posted the results of my first match of 2017, which was my best to date.  This time, shooting in a challenging match in which a lot of fellow shooters struggled–and in punishing heat and humidity–I reached a new personal best. Equipment My equipment […]

Road Rage

Recently, there have been a few high-profile, national news attention receiving “road rage” incidents, and I have seen increased chatter on this topic—from a number of angles—on the “gun” forums.  As someone who has been driving for about 28 years, most of which has been in the most heavily traveled corridor in the United States, […]

Target Tuesday: Aiming for Zero

In this new series on the blog, I intend to occasionally highlight the targets and associated drills that I have been using at the range. Since my normal range day is Tuesday and since alliteration is catchy, I’m going to call these occasional posts “Target Tuesday” and will always publish them on a Tuesday! For […]

Parking Lots and Car Seats…

In this post, in going to share some thoughts on dealing with one of the most dangerous transitional spaces, parking areas, when one is responsible for a small child or children at the same time. This is of interest to me as I play “daddy daycare” at least one day a week, and will soon […]

My First IDPA Match of 2017

Kind of amazing that it took me until July to shoot my first match this year, but that’s the way it works sometimes.  My schedule of classes, awful late spring weather, family obligations, and some construction at the club where I typically shoot matches really limited me to this point.  So it goes. Readers who […]