Media Review: Panteao Productions Gunsite DVDs

At the height of the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Gunsite Proshop put their books and videos on sale. I took advantage of the sale prices and ordered three DVDs (as of this writing, they are still on sale). I ordered the Gunsite 250 Pistol, the Gunsite 223 Carbine, and the Gunsite 40th Anniversary DVDs. I […]

A New Book from Greg Ellifritz…

Veteran cop, trainer, prolific blogger, adventure traveler, friend, all around good guy, and now published author Greg Ellifritz of Active Response Training just shared today that his new book has reached a milestone of 1000 copies sold! I’m responsible for both a Kindle version and a paperback version of those sales and can recommend the […]

More New Books…

This post is just a quick summary of some of the books I’ve been reading lately. I will be adding them to our Recommended Reading page when I get a chance. (Robert and I have recently been discussing redoing that page to make it more concise, but aren’t sure how. If any of our readers […]

Practicing the Drawstroke….

This past week, I spent some time working on my concealed draw at the range. As I mentioned in a recent AAR, lately I’ve been practicing the draw as taught by Mike Seeklander. He teaches a one handed draw that can basically be described as drawing a large circle around the gun. The strong hand […]

Some Thoughts on Holstering a Pistol…

Recently, Robert was kind enough to send me a spare copy of John Farnam’s “The Farnam Method of Defensive Handgunning.” While skimming through it, I was surprised to see a photo with a caption describing holstering the pistol without looking at the holster. Apparently, at least in the book (2005), Farnam advises to keep one’s […]

A Couple of New Books…

Usually when Robert or I read a good book that is relevant to our commentary here at the blog, we add it to the Recommended Books list. Either Robert or I will be doing that for two more soon, but I thought both of them worthy of a somewhat more in-depth review here. First up, Varg […]

Target Barn and Upcoming Ammo Evaluations

Earlier this year, a representative from Target Barn reached out to us here at the blog asking if we would be interested in doing an ammunition evaluation. As our communication progressed, I learned that Target Barn had recently started carrying ammunition for sale in addition to their long standing business of supplying targets and shooting […]

Kids and Guns…

Recently, Melody Lauer of Citizens Defense Research posted an excellent and sobering blog article on kids and gun safety. She conducted an informal experiment with her own children and toy guns, and recorded the results of leaving the toy guns unsecured in her children’s play areas. You should go read it. The article spurred my […]

AAR: John “Shrek” McPhee’s Gunfighter U Online Training

If you’ve read Robert’s most recent AAR, you already know a little about John “Shrek” McPhee. I have long been an avid consumer of the media put out by McPhee, appreciative of his no nonsense down to earth persona and dissemination of hard earned knowledge. Needless to say, I was jealous of Robert’s opportunity to […]