Don’t Be Afraid to Modify Your Gear, Part III: Dale Fricke Holsters Butt Tuck Adapter

I first learned of Dale Fricke Holsters several years ago around the same time that I discovered appendix carry from reading the online forum Warrior Talk. As with so many previous examples with Suarez, the business alliance that had formed is no more. Suarez’s business practices aside, I’m glad that I discovered Dale Fricke Holsters and I still use him as a go to source for my kydex needs.

I have been carrying my pistols in different versions of his Archangel appendix inside the waistband (AIWB) holster for several years now. I have examples that fit my G19, my G26, and my RMR equipped Glock. In the past, I have also used a custom Archangel that he made for the S&W Shield that I owned prior to my G26, the original Ehud AIWB holster that preceded the development of the Archangel, and an outside the waistband (OWB) Gideon Elite belt holster. I think I can say with authority that Fricke is a master holster craftsman with top notch customer service.

Rather than specifically reviewing a holster here though, I instead want to discuss a modification to the Fricke holsters. I don’t know who came up with it first, but lately it seems that almost every holster manufacturer is offering a modification similar to the Raven Concealment Systems Eidolon holster’s “Belt Claw” that tucks the butt of the gun in tighter by leveraging against the belt. The Butt Tuck Adapter (BTA) is Dale Fricke’s version. While this is now available as an option on new holster orders, he also offers an inexpensive kit that can be retrofitted to older holsters. I ordered two of the BTA kits to add to the Archangel G19 and G26 holsters that I currently own.

The BTA kit is a molded kydex attachment and ships with two longer threaded nuts.


It is secured to the holster body below the trigger guard using the existing tension adjustment screws and holes in the holster. The one annoyance of installation that I was not expecting from the website description was the need to drill attachment holes in the BTA itself. This process is described in instructions included with the BTA and is not terribly difficult for the mechanically inclined. You will need a 7/32” drill bit, a drill, and some sort of clamp to secure the BTA to the holster while you mark the locations to drill. I used a pair of locking vice grip pliers to do this, although a small c-clamp would probably work just as well. To mark the locations to drill, I used a slightly smaller 3/16” drill bit turned by hand through the existing holes in the holster body.

I then secured the BTA in a bench vise while I drilled the holes with the 7/32” drill bit.

Once you’ve drilled the holes, installation is a straightforward process.

I am pleased with the results. The Archangel was already a favored holster of mine, and now it’s even better. While the difference in concealability is subtle, it is definitely there. The Butt Tuck Adapter functions as advertised. For less than $10 and a few minutes of work, I think it is a worthwhile addition to the Archangel holster.

You can find Dale Fricke Holsters at He offers a full line of kydex holsters to accommodate many different carry styles and most popular handguns.

For those long time readers that may be wondering, I haven’t stopped using my F3 holster! It’s easy on/off capability makes it ideal for my travel and commuting needs and I still use it daily in that capacity… I just like having options, and the above modification to the holsters I already own was an inexpensive experiment that allowed me to easily expand and enhance my carry options.

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